Free Tire Collection Disposal Event

The Union County Health Department is hosting a free tire collection for Union County residents on Saturday, Oct. 12, 2024, at the Union County Fairgrounds from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Union County residents are invited to bring unwanted tires from cars, trucks, and other passenger vehicles that may be accumulating on their property.

Attendees should use the St. Rt. 4 entrance to the Union County Fairgrounds, 845 N Main St, Marysville. Tires will begin being accepted at 9 a.m. and will be collected until trucks are full or noon, whichever comes first.

Ohio law states no more than 10 scrap tires can be transported by an individual without a special license. Residents may bring as many loads of 10 tires as they would like until the trucks are full.

Only passenger tires such as car, SUV, truck, and van tires will be accepted. Tires must be off-rim. No tractor, semi-truck or other large tires will be accepted. There is limited space and tires will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.

“The tire collection is part of our ongoing disease prevention efforts. Tires are a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Tires are difficult to drain and are often left in one place collecting water year-round. By getting rid of tires that are left outside, we can eliminate some mosquito breeding grounds, which help reduce the overall mosquito population,” said Adam Schultz, Director of Environmental Health for the Union County Health Department.

Mosquitoes are known to carry diseases like West Nile Virus and La Crosse encephalitis. Rarely, these diseases can be spread to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. As of Sept. 14, 2023, 52 pools of mosquitos collected within Union County have tested positive for West Nile Virus. This is one of the greatest numbers of positive pools collected since the Union County Health Department’s mosquito surveillance program began.

In addition to using bug spray and avoiding peak biting hours like dawn and dusk, eliminating standing water around your home is one of the best ways to prevent mosquito bites. Creating bat, toad and bird-friendly spaces on your property can also reduce mosquito populations.

The Union County Health Department is committed to preventing disease and protecting the health of Union County residents. To learn more about the free tire collection day or the Health Department’s mosquito control and surveillance program, please call 937-642-2053.

*This tire collection is free for all Union County residents and is made possible through a mosquito control grant awarded to the Union County Health Department from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.