The Union County Health Department is responsible for enforcing the Ohio Plumbing Code in new residential and commercial buildings within Union County. The Ohio Plumbing Code sets minimum standards intended to protect the health of residents, occupants and visitors as well as the owners financial investment. The plumbing inspectors at the Union County Health Department work closely with licensed, bonded and insured plumber to navigate and comply with the rules.
Registration, Permitting & Inspections
Plumbing permitting, requests for inspections, and registering as a licensed plumber are all processed through our OpenGov Online portal. Please click the blue button at the top of the page to access the portal.
- Residential Plumbing Permits:
Submit an application and payment through the OpenGov Online portal. A permit to begin work is then issued. Rough and final inspections will need to be completed by our plumbing inspector before final drywall is put up. - Commercial Plumbing Permits:
Submit an application, payment and paper copy of plan for plan review. A permit is issued once the plan has been reviewed and approved. Rough and final inspections will need to be completed by our plumbing inspector before final drywall is put up.
Union County Plumbing Program
Management of the plumbing contractor registration, inspection & permitting program within Union County transitioned to the Union County Health Department from the Union County Building Department at the end of 2023.
Registration of Licensed Plumbing Contractors for Calendar Year 2024:
The Union County Health Department registers licensed plumbing contractors authorized to do work in Union County for calendar years 2024 and beyond.
Permitting & Inspection of Plumbing Work on or After Jan. 1, 2024:
As of January 1, 2024, the Union County Health Department issues plumbing permits and schedules plumbing inspections. This includes but is not limited to, residential, commercial, and medical gas plumbing permits and inspections within Union County.
- IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Contractors need to be aware any plumbing permits issued prior to Jan. 1, 2024 will still be followed through project completion by the Union County Building Department. This means you will need to contact the Building Department to schedule inspections and discuss matters related to any permit issued prior to Jan. 1, 2024. Unfortunately, there will likely be a period of time during this extensive transition when a contractor may have permits in both the Health Department and Building Department systems. We apologize for the inconvenience and have done our best to minimize the impact on our contractors.
New Online Portal for Project Management in Familiar System:
In order to ease this transition, the Union County Health Department has developed a project management portal. The system, called OpenGov, will likely be something you are already accustomed to using. Our office has spent extensive time developing our project management portal in OpenGov in hopes of simplifying the registration and permitting processes. It is our intention to maintain consistency while also providing a high level of customer service.
Requirements for Registration & Plan Review Have Not Changed:
The registration requirements from previous years have not changed in this transition. You will be required to provide proof of state licensure and proof of surety bond (new or continuation). Digital copies of continuation bonds will be accepted; physical original copies are required for new bonds.
The requirements for Commercial Plumbing Plan Review from previous years have also not changed in this transition. You will still be required to provide two physical copies to our office for review. A plans transmittal form will still be created in the OpenGov platform and should accompany the plans.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to our office at (937) 642-2053.